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Wade E

Jul 3, 2006
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I was introduced to this pce. of equipment on this site about 1 year ago and it has improved my wines. It really helps degas your wine whether your doing a kit or country wine. I use it after using my drill attached Mix-stir which does an OK job but this really helps. If degassing is not done properly your wine will not clear properly and you will end up with a fizzy wine which might not be too bad with a fruit wine but will not be with a nice red. This is primarily used for Bleeding brakes on automobiles but works great for degassing wines by creating a vacuum in your carboy and pulls C02 out of your wine. I really recommend this to people who are new at making wine whether it be kits or fruit and for those who detect a little fizz in their wines. It is fairly inexpensive and can be bought online at or at any local automotive parts store such as Napa or AdvanceAuto. I recommend the all metal 1 since you can rebuild it but I have had the plastic 1 a year with no problems. Mine cost $22.95 and the metal 1 can go up to about $60 at an auto store but is much cheaper at harbor freight and for thosem of ypu down south you can probably drive there and get 1. nDont use 1 that you have used for your car though please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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