Mixing Ingredients in the Primary

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Senior Member
Jan 6, 2009
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How many of you initially mix your primary ingredients with a drill-mounted stirrer?

Since I will be dissolving my sugar in hot water very well before adding it to the primary, shouldn't I be able to use a simple ladle to mix everything well enough in the primary?
I use a large spoon for regular wine, but I use my mix stir for mead. I think it helps with the thickness of the honey to mix it better.
Dewalt makes a 24 volt that looks like a car battery. I could imagine what my forearms would look like after using that thing all day!
The only thing that I dont like about the lithium is that there is no warning when they are running low. 1 second they are working great the next second they are dead!
I love the Lithium also but agree with Wade. I was using an impact on my deck when it just died without warning. They do recharge fairly fast though.