Mortal Sin to bottle DB in colored bottles?

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Frequent Lurker
Jan 8, 2014
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I was gonna bottle my Dragon Blood tonight but after checking my bottle stash, I have a shortage of clear.

I only have 6 clear, 2 frosted, 2 blue, 15 green and 4 amber. Is it a mortal sin to bottle it in coloreds?

Since we go through it fast, a bit of it is going in "party bags". Don't hate on bag using, we go through it FAST! So it doesn't sit long.
nah... I'd only give out my db in clear bottles but it really doesn't matter for at home? I'm going to get me some of those bags for at home too, I don't mind bottling either but I do find it a waste of corks when I see how quick the bottles are opened!
i use the bags for the summer time, I have an outdoor fridge and keep it stocked, short distance from pool to frig, and back....
clear bottles is all i use for db...
Peccatum autem vestrum absolvo. Go forth and sin no more!

Bottle it however you want. No rules! I put mine (mostly) in gallon jugs in the basement fridge for ease of consumption. I bottle about a third for give aways.
Paul and Dave Ur cracking me up! I took 5 years of Latin in high school, I totally got that!

I ended up using the clear for giveaways, 1 in frosted for my "official taste tester" (I was also bottling Concord/Niagara so it worked out. And "party bagging" the rest.


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