As long as you don't get the rotten egg smell, it'll be alright. However, my guess is you'll get H2S without nutrient.
I think your hbs guy was mistaken. Nutrient may speed fermentation a little, but its main use is for nutrient deficient, especially nitrogen deficient, musts. In my experience fruit wines are more inclined to develop H2S than grape wines because they are more likely to be nitrogen deficient.
My first experience with H2S was with a strawberry wine. Ever since, I've always added nutrient as a precautionary measure. Nutrient contains nitrogen, Vitamin B, and other nutrients.
I believe you'll find that most fruit wine people on this forum always use nutrient. Also, most people divide the dosage (usually 1 tsp./gallon) into two applications; first application on the second day of fermentation; second at about 1.040 s.g.
If you don't add nutrient, just be sure to keep your nose on alert for the smell and if you smell it, add it a.s.a.p.