Muscadines are dropping

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Thanks Wino...Nikki has had a battle but is winning it with her faith in God and support of all those around her. She is quite the warrior.

I wish those were mine Ramona..Hopefullly that is what mine will be looking like in another couple of years though

So glad to hear Nikki is beating the cancer! It is such a terrible disease. She looks very happy and upbeat, and that is so important! Godly faith will see you through the worst of times and the best.

The muscadines look awesome. How many lbs did you end up with and how much wine will it make?
ok they are averaging about 5 lbs per gallon so we got close to 80 lbs which will make around 15 gallon of wine. I use between 5-6 lbs Muscadines per gallon of wine
Great pix Waldo.

Yes, mine were ripe, but a noticeable reduction in aroma & taste upon thawing. I started a 6 gal batch with them anyway.
Not sure that being wild made the difference bj but I know that I have never been able to detect any loss of quality in mine from freezing them.
I may need to get you to ship me that 6 gallon of wine once it is bottled for a thorough analysis
Waldo, It's perking away in the kitchen (actually, have never seen anything perk so merrily - even my old coffee percolator at the deer camp) & every time the wife passes it I see wine glasses in her eyes. I don't think it will make it to bottling.