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Ernest T Bass

Senior Member
Sep 20, 2010
Reaction score
I have a lot of muscadines behind my house, they are in the woods. They seem to want to grow on the ground, rather than in the trees. They have never had a bloom or muscadine on them. Someone told me that they are all females, that's kinda hard to believe. They have a leaf like my "store bought " muscadines and they look the same. Anyone got and ideas on how to make them produce?

Semper Fi
I'm thinking you need another variety for it to polinate with. I'd call us Ison's Nursury in GA and ask. They seem to be muscadine gurus. You may even find your answer on their website.
i can send you a cutting of some i have in my yard, not sure if they will work, you pay shipping.
My God, Bud

You live in Tennessee and you have Muscadines growing in your back yard? Take the guy up on his offer for cuttings. You are going to soooooooooo like this wine.
I think you need a self pollinating species close by...about 50 ft or closer. Do your store bought ones have grapes? Those should eventually pollinate them if they are close by. Maybe next year.
If this worked, some pictures of my vines, Beet wine, Peach wine and watermelon wine.

Semper Fi

Let's see if this is the way to do it

Semper Fi
Been growing muscadines here in South carolina for 11 years. The biggest issue with wild muscadine vines is/are, they will produce little to no fruit if they are not pruned. So old vines, grown up high into tree tops produce some small size fruit. But, overall the vines go dormant so to speak concerning producing fruit.

If I were you I'd propagate new vines from those you have. Purchase a Black Beauty, and in 3 years you have grapes. If you have scuppernong (Bronze)variety, then purchase a Carlos.

From the Getgo