My first label

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Senior Member
Nov 19, 2011
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Pretty basic and rather cheaply made but I'm pretty happy with them given my budget!


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Nice and clean and looks like it would work on just about any type of wine. Did you print at home or take to a print shop. Looks good! :br
I am guessing that is commercial all the way since they are printed on a roll fed machine.

Nice labels, UBB. I guess you are getting a generic label for your "winery" and plan to "personalize" each with a felt tip pen. What do they charge for programming, set up and run? How many did you buy? If I am getting into your business, tell me.
Very nice label. Well done!
I am currently working on my first label as well so it won't be long :)
Looks nice! Great idea but that won't work for me. My hand writting isn't good enough.
You can probably feed that into a label machine and print. I thought about that today while I was giving blood since they were printing labels for the forms. They were probably 3X4 labels.
The quality of the paper isn't real good but for .18/piece the price was right. My writing is less then ideal so the wife has been recruited for future labeling projects. When my grapes come I plan on upgrading the paper but plan on keeping the 'logo'. I have 1000 of them to practice getting them on straight as a labeling machine is not in my budget right now!

Thanks for the kind feedback.
UBB, a suggestion: Have your wife get an old "nib" type pen and a bottle of indelible ink and write the name of the wine and number each one, like "Apple No. 2010-01" for the first bottle of the 2001 vintage of Apple.
A labeling machine isnt in any of our budgets!!!!!!! If it was Id have one!!!!