My Quadberry

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Senior Member
Jan 1, 2013
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MY first Quadberry Recipe

Quadberry with bannannas

Date began(day 1) 3/2/2013 SG Tests
time 8pm day
1 4lb bag Wal mart pinnaple, strawberry, peach, mango
1 3lb bag Strw, pinnapple, mango 1 can peaches drained. All bagged
20 cups Sugar l
5 Gallons Well water cold
1 tsp Tannin
3 tsp yeast nutrient
1 tsp yeast Energizer
3 tsp Pectic Enzyme
Top to 6 Gallons water

TA .5 before adding acid blend

Temp at mix 56 F

Day 2
Time 10:00 AM

comments Tested TA 0.5
Added 4 tps Acid blend
Added 4 brown, frozen peeled banannas Pitched yeast, Montrachet active dry wine yeas Added 2 cups of Sugar SG is 1.85
Ah, the tropical version! I make this one regularly, just like your recipe above. My wife was drinking some last night, as a matter of fact. She loves it. Has quite a kick, as well! I back sweeten to about 1.010, just how she likes it! Remember, even though you tested the SG at the beginning (for a finished ABV of about 12%), you will get a little more ABV from the sugars in the fruit as you sqeeze them out during primary fermentation. Did I say "quite a kick"?

This stuff is delicious! Good luck, Dave!
smells like I want to dump rum in it and wade into the chrystal blue water ala Mr Chesney
DaveL said:
MY first Quadberry Recipe

Quadberry with bannannas

Date began(day 1) 3/2/2013 SG Tests
time 8pm day
1 4lb bag Wal mart pinnaple, strawberry, peach, mango
1 3lb bag Strw, pinnapple, mango 1 can peaches drained. All bagged
20 cups Sugar l
5 Gallons Well water cold
1 tsp Tannin
3 tsp yeast nutrient
1 tsp yeast Energizer
3 tsp Pectic Enzyme
Top to 6 Gallons water

TA .5 before adding acid blend

Temp at mix 56 F

Day 2
Time 10:00 AM

comments Tested TA 0.5
Added 4 tps Acid blend
Added 4 brown, frozen peeled banannas Pitched yeast, Montrachet active dry wine yeas Added 2 cups of Sugar SG is 1.85

I think I'm going to try this with some fresh fruit. I haven't really made any wines with multiple fruits yet except for the occasional adding of raisins or dried cranberries to prolong the fermentation process.
I think I'm going to try this with some fresh fruit. I haven't really made any wines with multiple fruits yet except for the occasional adding of raisins or dried cranberries to prolong the fermentation process.

I am looking forward to summer and fall so I can try some fresh fruit as well. Meanwhile I am going to build a press soon I think