Transplanted young vines last year, lost 3 to cold and the mid-season transplant. But generally they are doing well.
My first question is... My trellis forms a Y shape so to speak, so my initial intention is to get the trunk and two arms mature enough to make it through winter on as many of the vines as possible to minimize more first year efforts...
The Concords and Catawba's are the most vigorous, I am to the "2nd year" stage in a few of them and will be in most and a couple of the Reliance and Canadice vines before the end of the growing season.
So my question is this... How far do I let the cordons grow this season before I pinch? Is it purely a matter of where I want to start next year? Do I count leaves/length?
I have already altered my strategy on the slightly less mature vines, as I did not allow a lateral shoot to form on the more mature vines until I had them initially trained to the trellis, I am instead on the slightly less mature vines allowing a shoot to grow much earlier to fill that role so they should have arms for both sides of the trellis when I am ready to attach them.
Should I allow other shoots to form/grow higher on these vines? It seems the later in the season I get the more I need to focus on ensuring as much energy as possible goes to the main trunk to ensure some degree of winter hardiness.
Next year will be a bit of a challenge. I will have to plant a few new vines to replace the dead ones, probably cut back the weakest of the living vines to 2-3 buds to get a strong trunk. Then deal with the vines that are just going to make it through first year growth. Another batch that have made it through second year growth this year and are fruiting with a fairly sizable grape crop...
Don't get me wrong these are problems I like to have... But I don't want to make any big mistakes that will set me back another year...
Please comment, question, respond...

My first question is... My trellis forms a Y shape so to speak, so my initial intention is to get the trunk and two arms mature enough to make it through winter on as many of the vines as possible to minimize more first year efforts...
The Concords and Catawba's are the most vigorous, I am to the "2nd year" stage in a few of them and will be in most and a couple of the Reliance and Canadice vines before the end of the growing season.
So my question is this... How far do I let the cordons grow this season before I pinch? Is it purely a matter of where I want to start next year? Do I count leaves/length?
I have already altered my strategy on the slightly less mature vines, as I did not allow a lateral shoot to form on the more mature vines until I had them initially trained to the trellis, I am instead on the slightly less mature vines allowing a shoot to grow much earlier to fill that role so they should have arms for both sides of the trellis when I am ready to attach them.
Should I allow other shoots to form/grow higher on these vines? It seems the later in the season I get the more I need to focus on ensuring as much energy as possible goes to the main trunk to ensure some degree of winter hardiness.
Next year will be a bit of a challenge. I will have to plant a few new vines to replace the dead ones, probably cut back the weakest of the living vines to 2-3 buds to get a strong trunk. Then deal with the vines that are just going to make it through first year growth. Another batch that have made it through second year growth this year and are fruiting with a fairly sizable grape crop...
Don't get me wrong these are problems I like to have... But I don't want to make any big mistakes that will set me back another year...
Please comment, question, respond...