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Senior Member
Jan 5, 2009
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The SI Merlot is in the secondary (for 5 days now) with very little airlock action.
The VR Viognier is in the primary (for 7 days now). Just took SG on the VR Viognier. We're at 1.018 @ 68F. Need a couple more days.

I noticed that at about 68/69F (with some dips to 64/66F) I've had to add two days to each step in the directions to get to the stated SG.
I picked up a space heater last night in an attempt to stabilize the area to a 69/70.

So far so good.
Just remember that your degassing temps should really be in the mid 70's as it will let C02 out of suspension must easier.
I think you will see if you get a brew belt for $21.99 it will keep your temp more consistent and won't cut into your electric bill. Just a thought
those brew belts dont use much electricity at all. I dont even notice when I have 2 going for 2 months straight versus when I dont have any at all.
The girls...
I live in a cold place and keep the house cool so I need auxiliary heating to getthe juice up to fermenting tempsand to keep it there during fementation.
The brew beltWade mentioned works very well. It is onlya 20 wattdemand so it costs about4 or5 cents a day depending on your electrical costs. So, if you need it fora month or so, you are still under the price of a cheap beer.
Do you have to put something under the brew belt so that it isnt in direct contact with the glass? The info I find says its not to be used on glass.
No, I have had them on there all winter long and for like 3 years now with no problems what so ever. They put this disclaimer on there a long time ago due to a pissing match between the Mexican carboy manufacturer and them. A carboy shattered from having 1 on there. it was probably due to someone putting 1 on a carboy that was way too cold or had a defect in it. I have never heard of anyone having any problems at all.
Nice! They're on my "to get" list. Easier and cheaper than dealing with a space heater.
Holy sediment. I posted a question on how much sediment could come from a kit when I started my first kit. My Viognier has close to an inch on the bottom of the the carboy a day after the first racking. Now I see.
Sounds about right if you stirred the primary before racking.
Brew belt...
What about the "dont leave on for 8 days in a row" thing?
As Ive said, Ive had 2 on all winter long almost while fermenting a mead and another fruit wine and after fermenting I keep it on to clear and degas so altogether they stay on my carboys for around 2 1/ 2 to 3 months.
Wedo not observe the "8 day rule" either.
Westart with the belt around the plastic juice bucket if making MM AJ, tansfer it to the primary fermenter, and then tothe glass carboy. Lately,we have been extendinglees contact and not clarifying right awayand don'tuse the belt then, but whenwe are ready to clarify, put the belt on to bring the temp up, degass, add clarifiers, and let it clarify all with the belt on. Then the belt comes off for bulk aging.

Incidentally, we had a belt fail rightin the middle of primary fermentation on one kitso had a moment of panic. Now we have a spare...

Oh one more thing on brew belt use. Sometimes the belt gets the must too warm so rather than move the belt up and down, we hold the belt away from the side of thevessel with one or two screw drivers. In fact, we started a kit last night and the temp is up a degree so I put another screw driver in.
Thanks for the info all... just ordered a couple from our store (FVW).

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