My Wife

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Two down, One to Go!
If you don't mind joe im a gonna sit down here beside ya and wait on that answer too. I never heard of a white shiraz either
My guess is its either a great marketing tool, or free run juice similar to a Zin Blush.

<TABLE =maintable border=2 cellSpacing=0 borderColor=#000000 cellPadding=5 width="100%">
<TD>Item Number</TD>

Pink Grapefruit White Shiraz

Vibrant and refreshing, this summer favorite offers tart and energizing citrus tones that balance out the sweetness. Enjoyed best on the rocks or chilled well, this blush wine feels at home anywhere from a picnic basket to a tall glass by the lounge chair on a hot summer day.

6 litres of premium grape fruit concentrate with all of the ingredients you need, except water.

Concentrate and ingredients, equipment sold separately. Makes 30 - 750ml Bottles (6 gallons).</TD></TR>
<TD>Current Price</TD>
<TD>Orchard Breezin</TD></TR>
<TD>Manufacturer's Description</TD>
<TD>Vibrant and refreshing, this summer favorite offers tart and energizing citrus tones that balance out the sweetness. Enjoyed best on the rocks or chilled well, this blush wine feels at home anywhere from a picnic basket to a tall glass by the lounge chair on a hot summer day.</TD></TR>
<TD>Oak Type </TD>
<TD>N </TD></TR>
<TD>Oak Intensity </TD>
<TD>Minimum Recomended Aging </TD>
<TD>Wine Peaks At </TD>
<TD>1 Year </TD></TR></T></TABLE>
It's possible also to get a grape variety without the pigmented skin, leading to a lighter or white wine. An example is Frontenac or Pinot Noir. There is a Frontenac Gris, Pinot Gris and Frontenac Blanc(newly developed) and Pinot Noir in addition to the normal dark ones.
Thats cool ,but this wine in reference is a blush not a traditional white,,,right....the designer wines to day really think outside the box...there's no real end to the imagination in wine crafting is there,,,?any time waldo I be proud to have you sitbeside me................
Last One!!



While Id like to believe I now get my wine making area back, I know she's hooked. I blame George. I talked to him on the phone when these were ordered, he knew they were for the Mrs.....and "my" Pinot Noir had to be back ordered ( he had that evil little chuckle that I should of seen this comming). Funny it arrived just when these were out of primary and close to bottling. Suddenly all the wine I have ever made is "our" wine...and she can give as many away as she likes. I think I now need a lock on the cellar door!
just let me know I have a good raspberry or peach or blackberry to trade off.....................or raspberry Shiraz,orblack current,how bout a blackberry pino noir............jusy to mention a few.......I can give you references??????????????????
complete list avalible upon request...............
I,ve never had any of your hybrid grape families that you make the offer is open to you also.......I've made niagara,and steuben both quite nice,,,,,I'll use wade as a reference..........hope he don't mind.
appleman said:
That list is longer than the Encyclopedia Britannica, but resembles the Holy Grailand the Dead Sea Scrolls all rolled into one.

Appleman, you can include the Copper Scroll in that list! Received these today


Included in this care package was:
2007 Thompson Seedless
2007 Blackberry Pinot Noir
2006 Niagara
2007 Raspberry Shiraz
2007 Black Currant
2008 Shiraz
They all look incredible, most of all I think I cant wait to try the Black Currant, Ive heard so much and never tried one!
You really blew me away Joe!
You got some VERY GOOD wine from Joe. I know cause he's in my wine club.
Gee, I wonder what he will bring to this Sundays meeting???
Joe makes some great fruit wines JW, your one lucky fella to enjoy those.
Me and Mine celebrated 22 this July. She deserves a gold crown. (of course I deserve some space in the garden to plant a few Old Spanish)