Nobody who has a dedicated winemaking area can really gripe, IMHO, no matter how it is.
Here's how I make mine:
1.) All carboys, bottling needs, bottling equipment and supplies are stored in cabinets in my farm shop. Get wheelbarrow and schlep those into house.
2.) My "winemaking area" is in an enclosed porch/sunroom off the kitchen. Water is in the kitchen. Yep, every need for water is accompanied by a two-way trip into the kitchen. Every need to clean or sanitize is a trip into the kitchen. Every box of bottles must be carried in the kitchen, sanitized, then carried out to the sunroom.
3.) At the end of the endeavor, load wheelbarrow with stuff not needed and schlep it out to the shop to be put away.
I get my exercise when I make wine, and I try to plan every move out for minimum trips. What I wouldn't give for a basement, dirt floor or not.