I was a driving down the road the other day, over in Tennessee as a matter of fact and I saw something blue.....Wasn't no cherries though. It was the lights of a Tenn. State Trooper, He asked to see my liscense and registration, i handed them to him and as he was a looking them over he kept swatting at a fly circling his head. He handed them back to me and began writing me a ticket, still swatting at them flies. Dang flies, he muttered!! Thems Circle Flies Podner I told Him. Circle flies? Whats that he asked me. I tole him that those are flies that typically hang out around a barn and circle a horses rear end. He eyeballed me and asked me, Boy, you calling me a horses ass? OH No Sir, I told him, I would never do that, I have too much respect for law enforcement officers. He continued writing my ticket, handed it to me and I just smiled at him and said. "Its hard to fool them flies thoughPodner"