Native grape active periods(central va)

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Senior Member
Jun 29, 2019
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I'm new to grapes and for now I'm devoting most of my attention towards the native species for a number of reasons but for this post the reason is test material to perfect cultivation and maintenance so I know what to do do and when to do it before buying some nice varieties.

But I have noticed the natives seem to have a pattern. Like a certain time frame they are actively growing. I'm guessing this is to prevent cross pollenation?

Below are the observations I have made but there are a few missing. My guess is either they were active before I started looking or now active yet.

Labrusca - mid June

Aestivalis - mid July

Muscadine - all the time!

Riparia - early May

Vulpina - ??

Cinerae - ??

* I'm guessing these 2 are earlier ones

Rupestris - ??

* have to find one to observe it but the info will be helpful when hunting it.

From what little info I have found on them online they seem to prefer rocky terrain close to running water in the open/full sun. Far as the leaves they look a lot like muscadines and from what I read are shiny like muscadine too. So basically I'm looking for a midget muscadine with red vines and forked tendrils? Or just forked tendrils bc muscadines have red vines too when they get a lot of sun but seem to have leticles in them. I'm guessing rupesteis will not have the brownish leticles present?

Rupestris is native to va but only reported in the northern and north western counties but my intuition says there are more around and just not reported. The coverage maps are pretty dated.
Nice Observations Bobby! I noticed my Cayuga and Flame Seedless completely stop growing when it starts getting into the 95+ temps. My Champanel still show activity even in such hot weather. What Champs! I have a question of my own, On my flame seedless the Flesh turns into a tough piece of chewy rubber. Is this a result of heat damage?
This is literally my first year cultivating grapes but it sounds like perhaps the plant was dehydrated? Don't hold me to it tho, not 100% sure

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