This is ready to drink as soon as fermentation is complete. Usually about 2 weeks after “brewing”.
Hard Lemonade
12 cans frozen lemonade concentrate
1 pound extra light dry malt extract (beer supply store)
7 teaspoons yeast nutrient
3 pounds corn sugar
2 packages of EC1118 or Nottingham yeast
Potassium Sorbate
Cane sugar
Rehydrate yeast with 1cup of warm water, 1 tablespoon of lemonade concentrate and a bit of yeast nutrient. Let rehydrate for 30 minutes.
For the wort mix the dry malt extract and corn sugar with 2 gallons of boiling water. After sugar is dissolved, remove from heat and add the rest of the yeast nutrient. Add 10 cans of the lemonade concentrate and cold water to make 5 gallons. Once cool, pitch the yeast. I ferment in a car boy with airlock. This is more beer than wine.
I let it ferment until it clears then I back-sweeten. After I rack to a bottling bucket, I add a mix of 4 cups of cane sugar, 2 cans lemonade concentrate, 3 cups of water and 3 1/2 teaspoons of potassium sorbate. You can use up to 8 cups of sugar but I find that too sweet. This is ready to drink on bottling day. I keg mine and don’t bother with the sorbate. You can make a million alternatives. I added a concentrate of hibiscus tea to my last batch. That was marvelous!
I don’t want to start a war over Skeeter Pee and Dragon Blood. I’m just offering an alternative.