Need advice asap, muscadine wine mistake...

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Jul 18, 2013
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throwing together my batch of muscadine wine today, and got busy talking and not paying attention. I crushed the muscadines and put them in a nylon strainer bag, boiled the water and added sugar. Let it cool down, poured the sugar water over the bag, added the crushed campden tablet and poured in the YEAST, instead of the yeast nutrient. Is there any way to recover this batch? Or did I wreck it?

Would adding in the yeast nutrient help to save it?
The campden may inhibit the yeast from working. I would wait 24 hours and pitch another packet of yeast to be sure it kicks off strong. You should also add the nutrient now.
I took both of yall's advice. I noticed that after I added the yeast nutrient, that a day later it didnt' appear that the yeast was working. yesterday afternoon I added the yeast packet, and this morning it was bubbling nicely. Thanks!
yeast seems to be working well. 5 days now since adding the nutrient and measuring the SG. Currently, the SG is measuring at 0.9995. I assume that is now good enough to move into the carboy?
I believe it is .995 and yes get it into a carboy and an airlock. check the sg a couple more times and if the same, add k-meta.
I never used the k-meta in the past. Is it necessary? And what does it do / why use it?
k-meta helps protect the wine from spoilage organisms. Being Muscadine it is probably high in acid so does not need a lot. Remember the campden is k-meta in a pill form so if you add campden normally that is what Julie is referring to.
thanks! I had added the campden tablet at the same time as the yeast / nutrient above (original mistake), so guessing that should suffice? Or does it need more?
That original k-meta dissipated enough to allow your yeast to work. After the wine has completely finished making alcohol and CO2, there will no longer be a layer of CO2 to protect the wine from oxidation. That is what you use the k-meta for as the wine ages. People usually add k-meta about every three months, typically at the time of racking.

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