Just tested SG and its at lowest point, the color looks better to then the pic above, now its more dark and clear. Today I bought 3 bottles of this Nero to try, and maybe use to top up for aging.
We opened up one of the bottles and put it in a glass swished it around and smelled it, very strong alcohol smell, touch of olives, not the best nose. Tasted it, was strong, kinda watery, not as dry as mine, and not as good.
I had a few family members taste my wine and the bottle and everyone liked mine better. I also liked mine better not because its mine, because it smells better and tastes a lot better. The bottles i bought were from 2006.
I'm having second thoughts about added this bottle wine to my wine. I have a feeling it will lessen the quality of my wine as this bottle wine is more astringent.
Im looking to rack tomorrow and start aging it. - should I age first then worry about adding the K-Meta, the siligel, liquigel? or should i degass, then add those things to it, then age it?
Edited by: Dominick