New crusher destemmer added to my vineyard

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This is pretty awesome. The only thing that bothers me is the flat pulley. I feel better working around rapidly spinning metal when they are held in by v-grooves.
Both the motor and pulley have V groves. Thus the serpentine belt.
I suppose you could immobilize the pulley and then reverse the polarity of the motor and turn the motor on and off until it breaks free. On my motor the pulley is screwd on and a little rusty so it’s never coming off.
My Grifo crusher/destemmer doesn't have a variable speed motor, and I don't have a problem with it at all. I'm not sure it's needed.
BUT if you really want to vary the speed, consider plugging it into a Variac autotransformer. Anything electrical that you plug into one will allow you to reduce the voltage by simply turning the dial/knob. There are inexpensive ones available for around $35 to $60....and up.
My Grifo crusher/destemmer doesn't have a variable speed motor, and I don't have a problem with it at all. I'm not sure it's needed.
BUT if you really want to vary the speed, consider plugging it into a Variac autotransformer. Anything electrical that you plug into one will allow you to reduce the voltage by simply turning the dial/knob. There are inexpensive ones available for around $35 to $60....and up.
This is good, thanks. I solved the problem on the current one by getting the largest fenner pullly I could find. Works fine.

I had alway heard that variable speed controls and induction motors don’t get along. I am not an electrical engineer so take my info with a tiny, tiny grain of salt!