Hey everyone I'm Andrew.. I really got into winemaking for three reasons..
First of all save money (I drink a lot of wine and figured i could cut some costs making it myself)
Make something that tastes good,
Find a cool new hobby!!
So with that in mind here's how I started..
I found a 5gal plastic water jug and bought 100% gape juice, added sugar, baking yeast I had in the kitchen, and a ballon with some pinholes in it for an airlock.. Okay I know this is probably making everyone cringe but don't worry, I've stepped up my game since then.. It's been about 3 years since then and here's what I'm working with now..
Nowadays I've got myself a glass carboy, real airlock, real wine yeast, And I get the juice from frozen concentrate.. It's still not a legit setup but here's my process..
9 12oz frozen juice concentrate containers heated up on the stove
Added about 7pounds of sugar, dissolved, and poured into carboy..
Topped off the rest of the way with tap water and specific gravity was at about 12%..
Sat carboy in basement, pitched yeast, fermented for a couple weeks or so until bubbles pretty much stopped and grav was back to 0%,
Syphoned wine into that old plastic 5gal and cleaned out the carboy,
"Degassed" with a plastic coat hanger on a drill in the plastic bucket
Poured wine back into carboy to sit for a while,
Bottled in sanitized 1.5ltr bottles i got from work..
I learned this method from watching YouTube videos [ame]http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=opNrEpu-D34[/ame] this one especially.. I've made my first successful batch recently that actually contained alcohol and didn't taste to bad either this way..
I guess this is technically hobo wine (thats what the dude calls it in the video) but I'm fine with that if it gets me drunk on the cheap..
I've talked to my local brew shop guy and he really didn't like that I wasn't interested in buying anything so all I could really get out of him was "oh we'll if you wanna make dirty prison wine you could do it that way"..
So what do you guys think?? is there anything else I can do to up the quality (CHEAP)?? Anything im doing terribly wrong?? Anyone else start out in a similar way??
Thanks everyone I look forward to hearing some feedback!!
First of all save money (I drink a lot of wine and figured i could cut some costs making it myself)
Make something that tastes good,
Find a cool new hobby!!
So with that in mind here's how I started..
I found a 5gal plastic water jug and bought 100% gape juice, added sugar, baking yeast I had in the kitchen, and a ballon with some pinholes in it for an airlock.. Okay I know this is probably making everyone cringe but don't worry, I've stepped up my game since then.. It's been about 3 years since then and here's what I'm working with now..
Nowadays I've got myself a glass carboy, real airlock, real wine yeast, And I get the juice from frozen concentrate.. It's still not a legit setup but here's my process..
9 12oz frozen juice concentrate containers heated up on the stove
Added about 7pounds of sugar, dissolved, and poured into carboy..
Topped off the rest of the way with tap water and specific gravity was at about 12%..
Sat carboy in basement, pitched yeast, fermented for a couple weeks or so until bubbles pretty much stopped and grav was back to 0%,
Syphoned wine into that old plastic 5gal and cleaned out the carboy,
"Degassed" with a plastic coat hanger on a drill in the plastic bucket
Poured wine back into carboy to sit for a while,
Bottled in sanitized 1.5ltr bottles i got from work..
I learned this method from watching YouTube videos [ame]http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=opNrEpu-D34[/ame] this one especially.. I've made my first successful batch recently that actually contained alcohol and didn't taste to bad either this way..
I guess this is technically hobo wine (thats what the dude calls it in the video) but I'm fine with that if it gets me drunk on the cheap..
I've talked to my local brew shop guy and he really didn't like that I wasn't interested in buying anything so all I could really get out of him was "oh we'll if you wanna make dirty prison wine you could do it that way"..
So what do you guys think?? is there anything else I can do to up the quality (CHEAP)?? Anything im doing terribly wrong?? Anyone else start out in a similar way??
Thanks everyone I look forward to hearing some feedback!!