New here.. I want to know what you guys think of my primitive setup??

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Mar 29, 2012
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Hey everyone I'm Andrew.. I really got into winemaking for three reasons..
First of all save money (I drink a lot of wine and figured i could cut some costs making it myself)
Make something that tastes good,
Find a cool new hobby!!

So with that in mind here's how I started..
I found a 5gal plastic water jug and bought 100% gape juice, added sugar, baking yeast I had in the kitchen, and a ballon with some pinholes in it for an airlock.. Okay I know this is probably making everyone cringe but don't worry, I've stepped up my game since then.. It's been about 3 years since then and here's what I'm working with now..

Nowadays I've got myself a glass carboy, real airlock, real wine yeast, And I get the juice from frozen concentrate.. It's still not a legit setup but here's my process..
9 12oz frozen juice concentrate containers heated up on the stove
Added about 7pounds of sugar, dissolved, and poured into carboy..
Topped off the rest of the way with tap water and specific gravity was at about 12%..
Sat carboy in basement, pitched yeast, fermented for a couple weeks or so until bubbles pretty much stopped and grav was back to 0%,
Syphoned wine into that old plastic 5gal and cleaned out the carboy,
"Degassed" with a plastic coat hanger on a drill in the plastic bucket
Poured wine back into carboy to sit for a while,
Bottled in sanitized 1.5ltr bottles i got from work..

I learned this method from watching YouTube videos [ame][/ame] this one especially.. I've made my first successful batch recently that actually contained alcohol and didn't taste to bad either this way..

I guess this is technically hobo wine (thats what the dude calls it in the video) but I'm fine with that if it gets me drunk on the cheap..
I've talked to my local brew shop guy and he really didn't like that I wasn't interested in buying anything so all I could really get out of him was "oh we'll if you wanna make dirty prison wine you could do it that way"..
So what do you guys think?? is there anything else I can do to up the quality (CHEAP)?? Anything im doing terribly wrong?? Anyone else start out in a similar way??
Thanks everyone I look forward to hearing some feedback!!
Yeah sounds like he was mad he couldnt make a sale, cause Pruno is a whole 'nother ballgame.

Look into Skeeter Pee, if you havent. It's possibly cheaper than what you're doing already..

Also, keep an eye out for free fruit, or if theres any elderly around you with fruit in their yard that you know they cant physically pick anymore - offer to help in return for some fruit. This will get you into making fruit wines without any really big investment.

If that doesnt tickle your fancy, but you are interested in fruit wines - vintners harvest sells cans of concentrate which people have had varying success with (depends on the flavor & amount made) - these can probably be found at that jack-***'s store, but i'd go somewhere else more helpful if theres another shop nearby..

There are definitely ways to make great wines for not a lot of money.. Most any fruit you find at less than $1/pound, usually ends up being just a couple bucks per bottle in the end. Safe to say its usually 50% less invested than if you paid for the same amount of 6-7 dollar wine at the store.
If you really want to make it cheap go out pickin fruit. I found a place near me thats just loaded with raspberries and I mean loaded. If I had a month ff from work I couldnt make this field empty! 2 years ago I picked about 100 lbs of raspberries and real fresh fruit makes the best wine period! I took best fruit wine in CT. and also best mead when I mixed that with some honey.
first off dump your brew shop guy. Most of my customers make their wine from some sort of fruit that they grow or find, but they are still my customers and I take care of them the same way I do the guy that buys the $150. wine kits.
Skeeter pee is one way to do it on the cheep, grape jelly is another way. If you have a yard grow some grapes or for less work some blackberrys. Also watch sales on frozen grape juice. Do some browzing you will fine some interesting recipeis.

The best wine in the world is the one you like the best.
Thanks guys, it's good to see the mutual hate for my brew shop guy who was a real dbag to me.. The only thing i pickup there is yeast and i'm going to just order it online from now on so he lost the little business he was getting from me.. I like the idea of picking fruit to save some dough but i'm in the city and have no idea whats around me to pick so I'll have to look up some places nearby.. How much fruit does it take to get 5gal of juice?? I'm assuming A LOT since my girlfriend's roommate has the magic bullet type juicer and it takes a bit just to get a whole glass.. If that's how you guys do it (with just a juicer)??

One more question with a silly back story..
I make this drink, I've heard it been called a brass monkey before but it probably has a couple names.. It's a 40oz of Hurricane that you drink down to the label and then fill the rest with orange juice, shake up and enjoy!! I realize this sounds disgusting to those who haven't tried it, It took a bit of convincing for me to even take a sip when my friend first introduced it to me but I'll be damned that thing is soooo delicious.. I highly recommend giving it a try before you knock it.. Anyway one time I didn't have any OJ so I just used that juicer and like 6-7 clementines to make the brass monkey, no sweat right?? WRONG!! As soon as I poured my clemjuice into the 40 and started to mix the thing ERUPTED foam all over the kitchen and the 40 was waisted.. I'm not sure why that happened with the homemade juice and not store bought but there obviously is some difference in juicing fruit yourself?? I'm hoping nothing like this would happen while making wine from home juiced fruit (maybe when mixing sugar in or something) but I'm sure it's safe considering I won't be mixing my fruit wine with malt liquor..
Wow I just spent some time researching Skeeter Pee and that sounds right up my alley!! You mean I can make more booze with the stuff I'm just throwing away?? Awesome!! There's even a forum for it on here to help, thanks a lot for the tip!!
Don't use a juicer when making wine, it pulverizes the seeds and they throw off tastes. I have resorted to surgical gloves and crushing by hand. short of getting a fruit press, I'll let the others chime in on how they do it.

On your recipe with the huricane, took me a bit to realize that its the enegry drink "hurricane" not the drink you get at Pat O'Birens in N.O.:dg
Being a malt liquor consumer at one point in my life, im pretty sure he's refering to something like this

My favorite was Mickey's 22oz, but they dont sell them around here anymore due to some stupid local law... The 40oz gets warm before you can finish them :)

But yeah, most people use a "steam juicer" - same principle but instead of smashing the fruit for the juice & pulverizing the seeds like B&WS mentioned, it uses steam to draw out the juices - albeit does dillute it some with water from the steam....

But i generally favor just tossing the whole/smashed/quartered fruit into primary & not even dealing with the juicing. I just deal with the extra sediment & tell myself it probably makes for a better wine in the end.
The only thing i pickup there is yeast and i'm going to just order it online from now on so he lost the little business he was getting from me.. QUOTE]

I'm sure he will be devastated!

I'm sorry, I had to say it.
OMG, I just read your OP and I am going to become yer FAN!


This is so awesome, I cannot believe it!

"Yes men, the day will come when the rabble shall take over the forum!"


You had me hooked from "I drink a lot of wine" ... then you tossed in the Cook video, of which I am and have been a total FAN! What's not to like??? This is how I make my wine, too. Low-bucks. My goal is the $1 fruit or grape bottle. Not there yet, but working on it. $2 is easy, but $1? Man, that is a real hard target to hit! Welcome!

Also, check out the TEA WINE thread. Cheep too.
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Deezil you are correct sir.. I was talking about the malt liquor 40oz not the energy drink Doug found.. I also wanted to know about how many pounds of grapes/berrys it takes to make 5gal of juice?? Oh and which is more efficient the smashing or the steaming??
Haha yea rms I realize my yeast boycott won't even make the homebrew dude bat an eyelash but it's the principal of it I'll take my hard earned $1 elsewhere for yeast!!:wy :h

Also Jim you seem like a pretty cool dude yourself glad u liked the op thanks for the welcome.. Yea man the Cook videos are great he just skips through all the bs.. It also seems like they might be selling their wine to some friends if you check out the bottling video he says "so people know they're getting a quality product".. I'll have to check out tea wine after this because I've never heard of it and I got a recommendation to look up skeeter pea which was also very interesting..
You guys are great looking forward to seeing you around the forums..
Cheers winos!! :dg
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It also seems like they might be selling their wine to some friends if you check out the bottling video he says "so people know they're getting a quality product".. I've been thinking of doing the same thing which could turn your $2 bottle into a $5 profit at least, hah just a thought though..

Just for forum-safety-related purposes.. I'd like to point out that selling any alcohol without the proper permits is illegal. Can get you 6 months (or more) + $1000 (or more) in fines, depending on the state.
Deezil you are correct sir.. I was talking about the malt liquor 40oz not the energy drink Doug found.. I also wanted to know about how many pounds of grapes/berrys it takes to make 5gal of juice?? Oh and which is more efficient the smashing or the steaming??
Haha yea rms I realize my yeast boycott won't even make the homebrew dude bat an eyelash but it's the principal of it I'll take my hard earned $1 elsewhere for yeast!!:wy :h

Also Jim you seem like a pretty cool dude yourself glad u liked the op thanks for the welcome.. Yea man the Cook videos are great he just skips through all the bs.. It also seems like they might be selling their wine to some friends if you check out the bottling video he says "so people know they're getting a quality product".. I've been thinking of doing the same thing which could turn your $2 bottle into a $5 profit at least, hah just a thought though.. I'll have to check out tea wine after this because I've never heard of it and I got a recommendation to look up skeeter pea which was also very interesting..
You guys are great looking forward to seeing you around the forums..
Cheers winos!! :dg

Andrew, Deezil's correct. I have had many people ask to buy my wine, but I will not sell it because that is a felony in my state. So shhh on that, or it'll just make me jealous. :h

Also man, I would not stiff-arm your local wine shop dude even if he's a dweeb. When you buy online you'll pay extra for shipping (usually $5 minimum charge). You might need him someday. Just don't mention how you do things unless you are talking to people who are cool with making wine the way we do. Cook pretty well describes the two types in the vid, right? If you are in the company of the "other kind," don't talk about equipment, talk about wine. All the proof you need is in the bottle, my man! Right?

Lost my local shop 3 months ago, went out of biz, and man I miss it for those small items I do need. So I'd stay cool with your guy. Just sayin.
Just for forum-safety-related purposes.. I'd like to point out that selling any alcohol without the proper permits is illegal. Can get you 6 months (or more) + $1000 (or more) in fines, depending on the state.

hmmm....maybe this is a suggestion....what about doing it like some people used to do on ebay and some sites when they used to sell is illegal to sell sporting event and concert tixs for more than face value, BUT, i have heard of some people who would words their deal to where they would sell something a "finely crafted writing implement" for say, 150 bucks, and "as a bonus", throw in this pair of tix to see "so and so" in that case, i'll sell you this finely crafted, beautiful glass recipticle, and as a bonus, you get it contents for free....roflmao...(yes....i am joking of course, but nevertheless)
Lol i'm sure they would entertain the idea all the way to the jail cell you'd be sat in..

All joking aside, consider this a fair warning. Posts will have to be edited if it continues.

This forum is hosted inside the United States, and its illegal here to sell alcohol with no permits..
I'd appreciate it if this aspect of this thread, no longer continued. I'd hate for this forum to be shut down, for any reason.
oh, believe me deez, i know that it truly isn't a joking matter, and that the penalties can be quite stated, i was merely joking.....totally mentioned in pure jest....and i honestly do not advise anyone to actually attempt that by any means...
Oh wow sorry guys (still new) i didnt even realize it was against the law.. Message recieved none of that kind of talk here..
No biggie, half the reason i brought it to light is to educate.. The other half is to do what i said i'd do, when i became a moderator.. Not trying to crack down on anyone in particular, so dont take it that way.. Just trying to put the facts out there & make sure the forum isnt in jeopardy

Any luck with finding ways to improve your winemaking techniques?
Yea I completely understand where you're coming from deezil thanks for passing on the knowledge.. Oh and Jim I actually was able to find another shop in my area so this time I'm going to go there and take your advice and just talk about wine if they seem a little snobby like my last guy.. I'll probably make it over there in the next week or so so I'll keep you guys updated..

I just started a new wine today, 4 cans of white juice concentrate and 5 of red
Added a bunch of sugar to bring SG up to 15%!!
Hoping this will make my highest ABV wine yet hope it tastes as good as my last batch


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