RJ Spagnols new winery series kits

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I'll drop a thermometer in my freezer and see where it is at - I have my strawberries and blackberries in there so don't want to warm it up too much. I may have to add a garage refrigerator to my wine set-up butwill have to pick the right time to bringthat up with my wife!

And Appleman, I'llsay to myself "let the buyer (winemaker) beware" on implementing any of your valuable suggestions/thoughts which are always appreciated!

I have an extra fridge and it's great for cold stabilizing. Iput it at the coldest setting and it will stay around 29 degrees. I also use it to lager beer. I'm wanting another since I use it for both wine and beer but can't seem to justify the cost since we already have 4 refrigerators and 2 freezers.

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