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Jan 9, 2024
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Metrowest Boston
Good Morning, I just signed up for this site yesterday as I begin my journey into home winemaking. I have actually been making wine at a brew on premises store for over 20 years but that experience was limited to preparing the initial ferment and doing the bottling. I never dealt with the technical steps of degassing, clarifying, racking, etc.
As a start I've purchased a couple 1 gallon kits along with a pump system in anticipation of larger future kits, figured I'd get my feet wet (no pun) with small kits first rather than make 6 gallons of welch's grape juice! :) Looking forward to having fun, becoming proficient and meeting some cool people on the forum.
Welcome to the forum. Lots of good reading here. If you need help, just ask. Somebody will most likely come along and give you answers. Arne.
Welcome!! There are newbies and oldbies that can answer almost any question or thought you have. I joined last month and have learned bunches about what I am doing right and not so right. Use the search function to get to a thread that would probably contain the answer you are looking for. One big thing I have learned is that there can be very differing opinions and answers on the same topic, and yet both can be correct. Plus, with even a little experience, you will learn that tweaking is something that almost everyone does. Check out TWEAKING CHEAP KITS. simple ideas can make a huge difference in how the kits you are making will turn out.
@DansWinemaking, you have made a huge mistake. This group is the type of people your parents warned you about as a teenager.

This group is a bunch of enablers. You purchased a couple of 1 gallon kits. Next it will be 23 liter carboys, and you'll be hocking everything you own to buy more. Then it will be barrels. This will consume your life ...

On the plus side, you'll have a lot of wine and you won't care. ;)

Welcome to the fraternity!
Good Morning, I just signed up for this site yesterday as I begin my journey into home winemaking. I have actually been making wine at a brew on premises store for over 20 years but that experience was limited to preparing the initial ferment and doing the bottling. I never dealt with the technical steps of degassing, clarifying, racking, etc.
As a start I've purchased a couple 1 gallon kits along with a pump system in anticipation of larger future kits, figured I'd get my feet wet (no pun) with small kits first rather than make 6 gallons of welch's grape juice! :) Looking forward to having fun, becoming proficient and meeting some cool people on the forum.
So now that you have read these welcome posts (especially from Winemaker81) here is something to consider when you dive into the deep end. From Lable Peelers:

Experience the revolution in wine crafting with the new Mist Winery Drum 200L Bulk w/ F-Pack. This innovative product is an excellent choice for small craft wineries looking to produce large quantities of high-quality, fruit-flavored wines.​

So now that you have read these welcome posts (especially from Winemaker81) here is something to consider when you dive into the deep end. From Lable Peelers:
Produces around 1,170 - 750ml bottles
6.5 ABV end product

That's more than what I would call the DEEP END, that's the Ocean part. That's more than the total allowed (200 gallons) for a two person household in a year. Plus that low of a ABV, someone is going to want to add a whole bunch of sugar to up that to 10% or more. Better have a forklift to move those things around.

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