Newbie sanitation question...

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Senior Member
Oct 7, 2015
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Hi there. Googled this and searched the forum, no answers.

I've made two batches of wine so far, my first being a kit merlot and the second being dragon blood from this site.

Every time I do anything, I sanitize with the stuff the kit gave me. Sodium metabisulfite. Three tbsp to a gallon of water, per instructions.

I assumed that this was what I'm supposed to be using each time I "sanitize," but every time I use the stuff (rinsing with hot or cold, no difference) it burns my throat and nose and gives my chest a burning ache for the next few hours. I use gloves so I never come in direct contact with it, but I still have this problem.

Is there another sanitizer I could be using that's less painful?

I'm at the point where I might consider just using painfully hot water to sanitize instead.

Thoughts and suggestions are appreciated. Thank you

I believe this product might do the trick for you. Can't tell you much about it because I don't use it myself but know that many others prefer it over k-meta solution.

Ps. Use the search engine to get all kinds of post on sanitizing.
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Ah, guess I didn't put in the right search phrase. Perfect, added to cart. Thank you

Yes. Starsan. Don't fear the foam. In all of my days in food service and out, I've never had a cooler sanitation product to work with. Just ensure it makes contact with all that will touch your must.

BTW, the burning your feelin in your throat is it being 'cleansed' lol. That brimstone s#!& always gave me the willies when it made its way into my respiratory system.
Don't know just how much of a difference there is, but most here use Potassium Metabisulfite (K-Meta) vs Sodium Metabisulfite (Na-Meta).
Getting a good whiff of either would be a "once is enough" experience! At sanitizing strength it is quite potent, but if you were to use a spray bottle to douse your equipment, there should be no problems. Give the Star-san a shot. It may be what's best for you!!
Yeah, you need to use controlled breathing when you get around open containers filled with stink water. (na-meta or k-meta)

I let my carboys sit with k-meta solution in them. Then dump the solution and use my AIO pump to rack. Given it uses negative pressure (sucking the air out of the new carboy) it pumps that stink-air into the room hah. Not good. Keep a fan nearby!
Star San is my go to sanitizer for equipment in the winery. I always keep a spray bottle of it handy.

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