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Junior Member
Sep 16, 2012
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But not wine making. Been making fruit wines and kits for quite a few years now. However my gals dad decides he needs 5 gal for Grappa so he buys me 3 6 gal buckets of Regina California grape juice. Guess I'm back in it up to ny neck ;-)
bchoate, Firstly, welcome to the forum. Secondly and just trying to be of assistance here and I want to offer a word of caution. Grappa requires a process that we cannot discuss on this site and which is illegal if you live in the US. Not preaching, just trying to help.
True grappa is a high alcohol product---higher than wine--and requires specilized and expensive equipment to make. If you make wine from the Regina grapes you have, I bet he will enjoy it.
Thanx for the welcome and yes He knows the ramifications. And yes I am sure it will be good.