I've used a corkador to sanitize my corks, both traditional cork and nomacorc and have had no problems inserting them with my Portuguese floor corker.
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To all that use the bottle filling wand with the spring loaded filler. Might I suggest you think about a Ferrari Automatic Bottle filler. You do stay a siphon with it, but it is designed to shut off automatically when the bootie is filled, punt, no punt makes no difference. My wife and I have used these for years. If you like to I'm ibe while filling, it solves many problems.
Okay, I just ordered one! Let's see how it works for me. Thanks Craig.
Would the Enolmatic work both with Speidel spigots & corny kegs (for sparkling vinos)?I call this device the Ferrari automatic wine spiller. I hope you have better success. I've had 2 and both the same. I did like the vacuum bottler that comes with the Allinone Wine Pump. But if you want bottling peace, I can suggest an Enolmatic, which seems expensive until you use it.
Up until recently, I've been using the same filler tube since January 1984. I fill to the brim, pull the tube out, and cork. I've never had an ullage problem. My new filler tube produces the same ullage, so I'm expecting similar results.I'm thinking adjusting the height plus or minus by .55 mm is too much of a PITA. I'll just be more aware of the ambient temp.