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Donna Yorke

Sep 23, 2024
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hello all! I need some expert advise. I am making apple wine again this year. Last year I had no problems and ended up with a beautiful apple wine coming in at about 13% This year I have done everything the same and have an issue right away. I pitched my yeast on Friday at about 5pm. It’s been almost 31 hours and something doesn’t look right here. Help!!!!


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I don't see anything that looks bad to me. The gray patches, assuming that's what you're concerned about, look like they're below the surface to me, and probably just pulp from the apples floating up. It's not mold unless it's on/above the surface and fuzzy
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Has the SG changed? If it has, you have fermentation. If not, I suggest you make an overnight starter. My method for this is here:


There are several reasons for making an overnight starter. One is that you know the yeast is viable without having to wait 2 or 3 days. The second is that it produces a larger initial colony in an environment the yeast likes better, so the ferment takes off faster and is more likely to stomp out any competitors.
image.jpghello all! I need some expert advise. I am making apple wine again this year. Last year I had no problems and ended up with a beautiful apple wine coming in at about 13% This year I have done everything the same and have an issue right away. I pitched my yeast on Friday at about 5pm. It’s been almost 31 hours and something doesn’t look right here. Help!!!!

hello all! I need some expert advise. I am making apple wine again this year. Last year I had no problems and ended up with a beautiful apple wine coming in at about 13% This year I have done everything the same and have an issue right away. I pitched my yeast on Friday at about 5pm. It’s been almost 31 hours and something doesn’t look right here. Help!!!!
Don’t know why this is blurry. I’ll add another photo

Welcome to WMT!

Has the SG changed? If it has, you have fermentation. If not, I suggest you make an overnight starter. My method for this is here:


There are several reasons for making an overnight starter. One is that you know the yeast is viable without having to wait 2 or 3 days. The second is that it produces a larger initial colony in an environment the yeast likes better, so the ferment takes off faster and is more likely to stomp out any competitors.
Thank you for taking the time to answer my question. I took another SG reading and it had not changed so I’ve started the yeast starter you have suggested. Thanks again!
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welcome to WMT
Wine is an ancient food preservation system. It worked kind of by accident without all the modern technology we have today. The basic concept is that not a lot of organisms grow at high sugar and low pH. BUT yeast do and make alcohol which is a preservative.
From the photo I don’t see anything that is a make or break. Does it taste bad? Smell bad? (At pH 3.5 with 1.100 gravity food poisoning organisms aren’t an issue.)

We are in apple season so I am picking and getting into glass at about 1.050 gravity. Oxygen is the enemy of wine.
(Don’t laugh apple pulp foams.)