Ok, I want to bottle this goodness !

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Senior Member
Jan 6, 2008
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So let me just run through my operational steps with all of you so as not to mess this up. Then from there, i think I will be a quick learn
for the rest of the batches about to be finished.

This batch is a gallon. No bubble action, SG .995ish

Cleared well enough for me.

It has been racked while it was at 1.010 so I had that Co2 blanket going on.

Now using those chemicals,,,,,

first, I want to degass the wine, I have the electirc thingie mabob, so hit it up for about a minute ?

Then let it settle, then maybe hit it a bit more to degas?

Taste it
add a bit of sweetness if needed

Then Add my campden tablet, ,

Stir a bit more 30 - 60 seconds,

then some sorbate for stabilizing

Then bottle ? Could it be that nice and easy ?

If you use campden tablets be sure to crush them thoroughly before adding and stirring. If you don't they won't dissolve quickly and a 30-60 second stir won't cut it. Crush it well, pour a bit of the wine in a glass/measuring cup/bowl along with the crushed tablet. Stir it well until you can't see it anymore(no I didn't say sample the wine until you can't see anymore). Then pour that in and stir up. Some folks wait a couple days to make sure it has done it's thing before adding the sorbate. Once stabilized you can bottle it.
Dont sweeten it until after you add the k-meta and sorbate. What I do with the campden tablets is put them in a little ziplock baggie and smash them with a hammer until very fine powder. Obviously rack off sediment before doing this stirring unless you are going to use a fining agent and even then(depending on which fining agent you use) you may need that sediment.
Sounds good guys, thanks for looking out for me,

1) racking went without saying....
2) Crush those campdens up ( soon to get the powder after all your sayings of why powder is better then the campdens )
3) degass, then add well mixed campden juice.
4) let sit for a day or two then add Sorbate
5) Let sit for a day or so ? then sweeten
6) then bottle.

Sound goods ?

Thankx guys,

If I could offer you the meaning of life , I wouldn't ..

Life just wouldn't be as fun knowing

But knowing how to care for your wine , now that's priceless......
Actually sweeten right after adding sorbate and k-meta then let it sit a few days to make sure it doesnt start re fermenting.
Buy yourself an inexpensive mortar and pestle. That took makes doing thinks such as crushing Camoden Tablets a breeze.
Wall Mart sells a pill crusher real cheep. I have had one for several years and it does a fab job
Buy yourself an inexpensive mortar and pestle. That took makes doing thinks such as crushing Camoden Tablets a breeze.

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<TD =msgableRow vAlign=top></TD></TR>
<TR =msgableRow>
<TD =msgLineDevider vAlign=top height=150>
<DIV =msg style=": left; OVERFLOW: auto">Wall Mart sells a pill crusher real cheep. I have had one for several years and it does a fab job </TD></TR></T></TABLE>


Not only can I count on you all for helping me out,

I can count on you all for helping me justify buying new toys

It's a win win.....
Just put the tablet in a teaspoon and crush it with the back of another teaspoon, just like your mom used to crush baby asprins for ya when you were a kid, before chewable anything came about. Works great!!!

do you have sediment on the bottom? When you degas it will stir it all back up again so you will need to rack it off first. (or did I miss that bit?)

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