just a guy
Well you’ve already done way more than most would be willing to do. Between that and the backdoor “fell off a truck don’t ask me any questions“ barrel operation — I’d say you’ve done plenty!Hey AJ, I've not been as regular as I used to be either, as you know the construction industry is a bear right now and work has been killing me. I'm still making wine though but cutting back a little this year. My 700+ bottle cooler is full and that's not even considering the 2021s still in bulk.
Sorry things haven't been going well and hope they are getting better. I'll give you a call or shoot you a text.
Oh, as fun as it was the Poconos meet up was too much work to try organizing it again.
And about the work, I feel ya. It got hairy for a little while for me as well. Tho I just started to pick up. Currently lining up some jobs that just might carry me thru the winter - fingers crossed. I got in good with a new contact. Just finished one for them as a sub. Starting another as sorta a co/GC to do the carpentry and run the job. And about to line up another where they now aren’t even looking at other bids. So that’s nice. All 3 have been fires. Buildings burnt up that get mostly gutted and reframed. All Residential. It’s not no fancy pants new winery with a cave cellar or anything