Does Brehm Vineyards ship frozen grapes year round or only seasonally?
My mother just placted an order for a pail of frozen Cabernet Suavignon grapes two weeks ago. Received an auto confirmation but no further update. She left a voicemail asking for an update on shipping ETA but has not heard back from them.
This is the first time she has used Brehm (previously used a local grower who no longer sells small volume/to homewinemakers). She lives in northern CA so understands the effects of wildfires, draught, and other issues that maybe effecting the industry. Just wants to verify that they are stil in business.
I see that other members here have used thought I would checki in. I am considering ordering a pail of frozen grapes from Brehm in the next few months so any information would be appreicated
My mother just placted an order for a pail of frozen Cabernet Suavignon grapes two weeks ago. Received an auto confirmation but no further update. She left a voicemail asking for an update on shipping ETA but has not heard back from them.
This is the first time she has used Brehm (previously used a local grower who no longer sells small volume/to homewinemakers). She lives in northern CA so understands the effects of wildfires, draught, and other issues that maybe effecting the industry. Just wants to verify that they are stil in business.
I see that other members here have used thought I would checki in. I am considering ordering a pail of frozen grapes from Brehm in the next few months so any information would be appreicated