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results ?

DAN, what is your thoughts so far?:mny

PGD,until the second fermentation stops, also give the raisins a try, as a condiment, I wouldn't.........stay in touch...let me know how your moving along and if you think you have positive results.......jp
Thought we would give our feedback on the infamous "Danger Dave Dragon Blood"
Katie and I were hanging out tonight and I figured we would try it.
Our observations:
We chilled it so it was cold when tasting.
Smell: Ripe cherries/strawberries and a hit of banana (Did you add any banana to it at all for body?)
Nice legs, it has nice finish
Medium body
Strawberry was the predominant taste
Great afternoon backyard drink on ice. :)
Kudos, Dave!
~Joeswine and Neviawen (Joe and Kate)

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Thank you, Joe. I'm glad you enjoyed it!

You are not the first person to mention that it tastes primarily of strawberries. Remarkable, considering no strawberries went into it. It's made with blackberries, raspberries, and blueberries (equal parts), with a hint of lemon. The Especial! version was the first time I tried bananas for body. You have a good pallet, Joe, as most people don't notice the banana.

We are going to try that Coffee Port of yours next Saturday evening follwing our annual Independance Day family cookout. I'm looking forward to it. Review forthcoming.
Tony T's Super Tuscan Blend

Tony was kind enough to send me a taste of his Super Tuscan/Valpolicella blend that was discussed on the forum earlier this month. What a great wine!

Have to say that both my wife and I were very impressed. I have read that adding some glycerin and a touch of sweetness can really add body and move the wine towards commercial quality. Tasting this wine proves this to be true. We thoroughly enjoyed it with some roasted tomato and garlic pasta and it was great. Easy to notice the improved body and mouthfeel the glycerin adds. I will be trying some of these tweaks in the future.

Thanks Tony, I will be sending your bottle back (full of course). But don't expect it to live up to the quality of your blend.
Just had Joeswine Sangeovese. This was the one that he added raisins and tannin in secondary. It was fantastic. Great fruit, tannin and full mouthfeel. Next kit gets the Joeswine out of the box treatment. Note that this wine is only a few months old. Great lesson Joe. Thanks.
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I also had a chance to share a bottle of Joe's Sangiovese last night with some friends. First off the wine was absolutely flawless. The color was deep with no browning. I am guessing this was not filtered but I could be wrong (this is not a bad thing). I think Joe hit the tannins spot on and it was well balanced (my personal preference is just a tad bit more of acid). I got some notes of black cherry. The finish was as interesting as the aroma (excellent). All in all I think one year from now this wine is going to be totally awesome. I'd have no problem drinking it as it is right now. Thanks for sharing Joe as this is the first time I have tasted Sangiovese except for a few samplings out of my carboy. As you know I have 10 different red Chileans aging now. I plan on spending a lot of time in the lab doing bench trails on blending each of them with each other.
Katie, Lucille, and I tasted Runningwolf's wines the other night. Here's our thoughts:

"Cherry chocolate"
fruity Aroma
taste of chocolate and cherry
tastes more cholate than almond.
light hint of cherry
beautiful color
nice body
Nice legs

great legs
lighter body, nice color
Aroma of oak and berries
taste of grape, berries, with notes of spice (possible cloves?)
a tad bit acidic with a slight burn. (Did you use an everclear extract?)
Not yet a port but a strong, red wine.

"Port of Call"
Deep, woody and fruit aroma (nice!)
initial sweet taste with a licorice finish (like anise)
better balance than the other port.
slight burn but not significant
nice, rich body and deep, nice color
nice legs

Runningwolf's Ports.jpg
Katie, Lucille, and I also tasted eblasmn9's coffee port the other night. Nicely done! Here's our observations:

Aroma: smells like coffee and fruit aroma
taste: tastes like chocolate covered fruit with hint of coffee
Body: Thin
interesting mix but we like it. Reminds us of a liquors.

Once again, thanks for sharing! As you can tell by the picture, we enjoyed it!

Ports (1).jpg
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Thanks Joe. The port wines are a little young yet. I have a lot of others but did not want to send you a kit port. I agree about the chocolate being upfront on the cherry. This was my first attempt at it and I would not add as much next time. I want the chocolate to come out on the second sip tasting it on the back of the pallet.
Well, well, well! Look what showed up on the doorstep!

Thanks Jim! I'm looking forward to trying it out! It'll be my first muscadine.

I sent a box off to some guy in Ohio a week ago and the box just came back to me with twodifferent bottles of wine in it. Will try the WE small lots meritage doon and save the Cab. Thanks Earl will report back in a week or so. Thanks.
O that should be some gooood stuff.. Be sure to share you thoughts.
What is the left side if the name? Before Muscadine? It's a little hard to read. Looks like blueberry to me. (which would be a great mingle)