@bkisel had given me a bottle of his soon to be famous apple wine when I was up with my brothers to open our cabin located in his neck of the woods. I held off on opening it because my wife wanted to enjoy it, and she had her Chemistry final coming up, so this morning at 6:24 a.m., she texted me to let me know it was "apple wine night" (She had finished her final on Tuesday).
As you can see from the picture below, there is no wine left in that bottle I mentioned above. I opened it and poured a glass for me and my wife as I was about to dice some leftover pork loin for some quickie pork lo mein (neighbor friend of my daughter was invited over to have pizza and my chances of getting a piece of pizza look slim to none).
The bottle was empty before I had a chance to taste my lo mein (took maybe 10 minutes to make?). My wife's comment was "seriously addicting". 1) I have never seen her drink a glass of wine that fast. 2) I have never gotten a seriously addicting comment and I'm about to start batch #44!
When I first opened it, I was worried about too much back sweetening, knowing that Bill's wife likes a sweeter wine. No problem with this one. Perfectly balanced with acidity/apple flavor/sweetness (not really sweet at all)/cinnamon (which lasts for some time after finishing the glass, but not overpowering at all). Once this site came back up, I found that he back sweetens with brown sugar, apple concentrate and bulk ages with a cinnamon stick.
Excellent wine that my wife will expect him to bring another bottle with him if he visits (hopefully with his wife or Varis or someone else) when we go to the cabin again next month. Of course I will supply either a lunch or dinner to help pry a bottle away from him.
Excellent wine Bill! Thank you again.
Edit: There is definitely some alcohol in this one, no wonder my wife is so happy (she's actually dusting right now, she never does that on a Friday evening).