Julie, the White Zin is one of my earlier WE kits from 2007, have noticed that some of the wines made 4-6 years ago really have come around! Unfortunately, theres not many left. Do have a couple that I'm saving for a special occasion though.......
As far a sampling others wines, did notice that most have been a medium sweet (which I prefer), so I have been happy with most everyones. I did like the flavor of Dan's Stuben & Diamond, may have to get some of that juice at Walkers in the fall.......
Also noticed that my Niagara dropped a lot of Crystals, I am tempted to open all the bottles, filter & re-bottle,just to make it look presentable. Yes, I know it doesn't hurt & is the sign of a noble wine, but just doesn't look good! I really like the flavor of Niagara, next time I do it, will take it out in the snow for a few weeks for cold stabalization.....