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I havent gone above 4 and 3 1/2 seems to be about perfect actually or the acid starts to get a little high and youll start to have yeast issues and thats why with the Skeeter Pee you need to use a slurry or make a good starter. If you stress the yeast it can cause off flavors and smells like sulfur or just bot ferment period.
wade said:
I havent gone above 4 and 3 1/2 seems to be about perfect actually or the acid starts to get a little high and youll start to have yeast issues and thats why with the Skeeter Pee you need to use a slurry or make a good starter. If you stress the yeast it can cause off flavors and smells like sulfur or just bot ferment period.

Yeah that make sense!
I am certain this lil 2 canner is so low on....... well everything cept alcohol LOL
should give the bouts 12% if all goes well
stuff to clean things with LOL
I am sure my curiosity will get me later down the road to "see" if I can make a tasty frozen welchers somehow. hmmmm
Ok back to serious again. :))
Well to give that one some taste back just sweeten it with another can or 2.
Well finally things are happening SO2 in Bucket lid on for half hour, drained and added my juice!!
I then added (TAP) water to about 19.5 Liters, S.G. was 1.10 so added a tad more, final S.G. 1.088 Total is 21 liters so I held there. PH is 3.3/3.4, TDS is 40, TA is unreadable even though I added the 60ml of water to the sample. One drop I go black, of the sodium Hydroxide. I added another 30 ml of the sample to that and got a dark purple, not quite the sample lightness. Yeast is soaking and so is Bentonite each in 100 ml water. Temp 40 C.
Temp of the must is at 84 F so will wait till morning to pitch yeast.
Nice and clean, fully sanitized, going slow and as per instructions, trying to form good habits.
I will recheck the S.G. before adding yeast, and maybe try again to find the TA.

Racked to Carboy at S.G. 1.010, pH maintains at 3.4, Lot of CO2, mini volcano, was prepared.
Yesterday S.G. at 0.995 and still quite active, a good bubble per second, so gonna leave er be alone a while. Temp holding at 73.3 to 74.4.
