Loved it! As a newbie, I saw a couple of mistakes I made. First of all spoon bad, mixer good! Why did I use the spoon and not the mixer??I'm sure I didn't give it enough oxygen, because SPOON BAD! I will never forget that one. Thank you so much! ~D
PolishWineP said:I for one am looking forward to it! I just love your method of teaching! This would make a great book that could be laid out on the kitchen table for the truly new to follow, step by step with you! Or even a video with STOP sections for the novice to do their work after watching you do it!
Waldo said:What happened Smurf? Have never seen anything like that before
MedPretzel said:How did you cork them? Dry? Do you have a portugese/italian/double-lever? I forget.
yoyo said:smurfe, in your tutorial what do you mean by put sanitizer in the airlock
MajBob said:So, it's been a little over 2 years - isn't that wine ready for stage 2 yet??
Seriously, though, what did you do with all that Bentonite solution? Me thinks that I'll have a huge mess on hand if'n I just dump the juice in on top of it. Maybe I need a larger fermentor?