Peach Wine

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Several posters have noted that peach wines can be a little stubborn when it comes to clearing. What is your technique - time, clarifiers, etc.?


- Jim
if i may jump in here,what i do is use Benoite and pectin enzyme in the primary and SUPERKLEER in the secondary,this gives me a running start at the finish and always comes up clear even peach.but remember not all fruit wines need be clear or cleared,time is a partner at all times.
Jim.......For clearing mine.... Im Singing " Time, Timeeeee, Time, Is on My Side, Yes It Is "

Edited by: Waldo
With a heavy, heavy heart I decided to go ahead and bottle my Indian Blood Peach wine this morning.

It had cleared nicely since last racking and I was really needing sometheing to ocoupy my mind. In succession is the wine before racking, A picture of all that was left, the bottling completed, corked bottles washed and ready for labeling, and the final finished product.






The sun is coming up and I must now go and dig a grave for our beloved Cheyene. We had to have her euthanized late last night. She had been hit by a car and and there was little hope of any recovery.

No wonder you had heavy heart Waldo. No-one likes your task at hand, but it is better you do it than having the shelter put her in some unmarked uncaring resting place. Deepest sympathies.
This is a very difficult time....but they say the best healing is for a man to bury his dog.....

That was a very beautiful dog...I am sure you will carry the memories of your good friend for a very long time.

That is a very difficult thing to have to do, sooooo sorry Waldo.
Thanks everyone....What an attachment you can develop. We have many precious memories to help us through this difficult time. She was onespecial friend and companion.

My heart goes out to you and yours. We lost our beloved Australian Shepard, Seyward this time 3 yrs ago and we're still in mourning. He was a member of our family as surely as your Cheyene was.

I was curious if you tried making any of the ice wine.
How it turned out and what recipe you used. If so, would you make it again?