I ended up just throwing that 1st batch out since I had all the ingrediants to make new.. not wanting to take chances. pitched the yeast on 8-28 with a starting sg of 1.090. left it do it's job by not checking on it but Ilistened in on it! lol
yesterdays sg was 1.050 and todays was 1.030 and I just checked it again and it's at 1.025. tomorrow it will have been fermenting for 7 days.Howwill I know it is ready for the 1st racking? With the 2nd fermintation you verify a reading of around 0.992 - 0.996at least 2 days in a row befor proceeding with the 2nd racking, is that correct? What I am asking is, is there an sg reading I should be looking for befor the 1st racking? Sorry for being such a pain in the butt!
Thanks for all the help!