Fruit "Wine" Maker
My error, should have checked date. Just followed someone elses post to the old thread. Yeah if it isn't mellowed by now ....
is all the liquid ingredient in US Gallons or is it in Imperial Gallons?
I don't believe it is going to make much difference in the final product. Not all that much difference in only a gal. which is what the recipe is. Remember a recipe is just a guide, not set in stone. You should set things like the specific gravity so you can set the alcohol levels. And you can see by the posts that the origonal poster has decided maybe the tannin should not of been added. Good luck with it, Arne.
You have a liter difference, throw an extra handful or two of cherries in. You are good. Maybe just a pinch more of the other ingredients. Yeast will stay the same. But, keep track of what you do. If it comes out excellent, then you have a chance of repeating what you did. Also just because someone else used the recipe and it came out to their tastes doesn't mean that is how you will like it. Then you might have to tweak it some. This is not an exact science, but I believe it should be fun. One great thing about this is you get to make the wines the way you like them. Anybody else doesn't like em, to bad. Have fun with making your wines, make sure you keep at least fair notes on how you made them. At some time in the future you will be glad you did. Arne.
Thank you!!! I guess being new I feel that the recipes have to be exact or very darn close as one ingredient can throw every thing off. The other part of me doesn't like to see fruits that have been harvested go to waste. Trying to be self sufficient I just want to see it turn out. Guess this metric can be a pain but easy to work with. I am going to try these recipes and make notes like you said.