I'm steam juicing italian plums over the next few days (harvesting as I juice). Planning on freezing the juice if I'm not fermenting by Monday (as even though steaming is pasteurizing, I don't want any of the juice to go bad). I've done plum every year I've lived in this house, and its usually ok to good (the best was a port made with plums, Syrah syrup, and brandy), so this year I'm going a more traditional route: juicing all the plums, figuring the steam will add liquid, and NOT adding water, other than to top up/balance sg. So basically I'm trying to steam about 5 gallons worth. Fun, but we're in a heat wave, so I don't expect my house to cool down. Like, at all...
I also like the steam juicer as I can use plums I would normally dump (fell to the ground, larvae spots, etc) since as long as I can hand "wash" them first, no nasty stuff will end up in the wine. New experiment (though I'm sure folks have done it before, I mean new to me), so fingers crossed I don't waste a tree's worth of plums!
EDIT TO ADD: just finished tonight's batch. It's a BEAUTIFUL color, the best must I've made from yard fruit ever. Tastes nice too; I figure I just need to experiment with ph and sg and I should be able to pull off an all-plum wine. (edit again because I forgot that the forum's smiley is laughing for some reason)