Getting my plan together for this weekend, and realizing what a novice I truly am.
Here's my recipe, which is medpreztels slightly modified:
1.25 gallons water
12# frozen pumpkin (mostly chopped, some shredded)
3.5# sugar, looking for SG 1,115
1 tsp shaved ginger
1/2 tsp tannin
1 tsp yeast nutrient
1/2 tsp pectic enzyme
1 Campden Tablet
1/2 lb Raisins..chopped
1 tbsp Acid Blend
I want to use white or golden raisons in lieu of Welchs, I'm not sure how much raison to use.
Long term plan is to fortify with vanilla vodka. The goal is a unique yet complex port style wine. I envision a pumpkin pie with whipped cream taste profile, hence the the vanilla vodka. I'm thinking to use canned pumpkin pie filling to make an F-pack.
Okay - so back to the basics:
1) Where do I start?
2) The pumpkin is frozen, do I let it thaw?
3) Pour boiling water over the pumpkin in the primary?
Yep, but only afteryou have put the pumpkin in a strainer bag along with your raisins and Ginger.
4) Adding sugar, do I add all of the sugarto boiliing water to make a simple syrup? I read in another post where the writer used 2/3 of the sugar and water, reserving the remaining 1/3 to reach the desired SG.
I would start with 2-1/2lbs sugar and then adjust as necessary to reach target SG..Make sure you stir it good..really good..No I mean stir it till you think your arms gonna fall off before you take your initial SG reading
So I would say that at this point you have now reached your target SG and have added the Ginger, Raisins, Tannin and Yeast Nutrient to your must so now youwant to add your crushed and dissolved Campden tablet to the must,Stir that in andlet it set for 12 hours and then add your Pectic Enzyme, let it set another 12 hours and then pitch your yeast to it.
I know, you didn't have any yeast in your recipe but thats ok..We all know you intended to use yeast
I would also recommend making a yeast starter for this one too given the high beginningSG
Once fermentation has begun you want to punch down the strainer bag a couple of times a day. Once the SG hits around 1.020 -1.030 take that strainer bag out, squeezing it very gently with your well sanitized hands. I personally use the disposable latex gloves, you know, the kind the Doc likes to snap on with a grin on his face when doing your annual physical. OK, now chunk that strainer bag and rack to glass to complete fermentation
I would like to state up front that I enjoy, read, and consider everyone's advice. I will make every attempt to respond to everyone's posts as I journey down this road, but if I do not it's because I'm up to my eyebrows in other activities.