Gas / bubbles coming out the airlock doesn't tell you anything about fermentation. Here is my procedure and I believe it is very similar to most of the folks on here.
Day one, mix up must in bucket/trashcan shoot for a starting sg using your hydrometer or refractometer of about 1.090 (sometimes higher, sometimes lower, but something around that number). Add Yeast, cover with cloth or something else to keep out bugs. Fermentation will produce enough CO2 to protect the wine. Fermentation temp somewhere between 60 and 70 F.
Measure SG and stir every day, somewhere around Day 7-14 your SG should have dropped to around 1.020-1.000. If you are using a refractometer to measure you SG, it will be higher, use chart to determine end point (I don't even own one, so you are on your own for that). Rack to a carboy to finish fermentation. Install airlock. Sometime after about 14 days, fermentation will be complete, how will you know??? Your SG will have dropped to something lower than 1.000, Generally mine are 0.996-0.992. Rack your wine a few days after fermentation completes, this is to get it off the majority of the lees, which can cause off odors if left on there for to long. At this racking add 1/4 tsp of potassium metabisulphite for 5 or 6 gallons or 1 campden tablet per gallon. If you own a PH meter and can perform test for amount of SO2 to add, do that. This is also when oak should be added, if you want to add oak.
Now in about 3 months or so, rack again, repeat every 3 months for a year is great, 6 months is okay. You may want to filter, now is a good time to do that. At some point, if you want to add more sugar to make a sweeter wine, add Potassium metabisulphite and Potassium sorbate, this keeps the yeast (you won't have removed it all) from seeing that sugar and firing back up to produce more alcohol and bottle bombs. Wait a week to verify that the yeast aren't making more alcohol, using your hydrometer and then you are ready to bottle.