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Ya know, I have had two brutal kidney stone surgeries (the first was a total blockage of my bladder), so I am posting this for fellow sufferers. I am also a farmer who used to run goats on the place. Male goats get urinary calculi (stones) if they don't get enough copper. So, after my second surgery, I started wondering if there's a mineral imbalance in humans that causes stones. Lo and behold, there is! Magnesium deficiency does it, and the NIH has large studies going all the way back to 1984 proving up to 93% reduction in recurrence if the patient takes 400 mg minimum of magnesium per day (Google 'em). I started doing that, and so far my x-rays on annual review have been fine. Asked my urologist if he knew of these multiple NIH studies about magnesium. NOPE! And he comes from a well respected medical school. It can't hurt. I do 1000 mg a day, every morning. Best of luck.
Ya know, I have had two brutal kidney stone surgeries (the first was a total blockage of my bladder), so I am posting this for fellow sufferers. I am also a farmer who used to run goats on the place. Male goats get urinary calculi (stones) if they don't get enough copper. So, after my second surgery, I started wondering if there's a mineral imbalance in humans that causes stones. Lo and behold, there is! Magnesium deficiency does it, and the NIH has large studies going all the way back to 1984 proving up to 93% reduction in recurrence if the patient takes 400 mg minimum of magnesium per day (Google 'em). I started doing that, and so far my x-rays on annual review have been fine. Asked my urologist if he knew of these multiple NIH studies about magnesium. NOPE! And he comes from a well respected medical school. It can't hurt. I do 1000 mg a day, every morning. Best of luck.
I take Magnesium, it's supposed to help against getting cramp. I also had kidney stone trouble years ago. It's good to know it's helping against that. 👍:h
Ya know, I have had two brutal kidney stone surgeries (the first was a total blockage of my bladder), so I am posting this for fellow sufferers. I am also a farmer who used to run goats on the place. Male goats get urinary calculi (stones) if they don't get enough copper. So, after my second surgery, I started wondering if there's a mineral imbalance in humans that causes stones. Lo and behold, there is! Magnesium deficiency does it, and the NIH has large studies going all the way back to 1984 proving up to 93% reduction in recurrence if the patient takes 400 mg minimum of magnesium per day (Google 'em). I started doing that, and so far my x-rays on annual review have been fine. Asked my urologist if he knew of these multiple NIH studies about magnesium. NOPE! And he comes from a well respected medical school. It can't hurt. I do 1000 mg a day, every morning. Best of luck.
Jim, thanks for the tip.

I've been in your position and have NO interest in revisiting.
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I take Magnesium, it's supposed to help against getting cramp. I also had kidney stone trouble years ago. It's good to know it's helping against that. 👍:h
I also take magnesium 250 mg daily for kidney stones. Many years ago I stopped taking magnesium and quickly developed a kidney stone. BTW, a1989 kidney stone clinical study found that over 75% of kidney stones were prevented with magnesium. Not well known because there is no
money in it for big pharma.