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A lot of folks believe there is "intelligence" in "artificial intelligence". There is none, and it's not gonna become Skynet. It will be worse than Skynet.

It's "machine learning", which is using existing information, which is presumed to be correct, for generating a huge decision tree.

The reality is that it's "garbage in, garbage out".

Note that in specific areas where the program is fed all correct data, it can do a good job. But in reality it's like basing all answer off Facebook posts ... which is why I said it's potentially worse than Skynet if people take it at face value.

/soapbox .....
And this occurred today in the world of IT. Had to deal with the idiot who pushed an update in the enterprise world (Crowdstrike)
And this occurred today in the world of IT. Had to deal with the idiot who pushed an update in the enterprise world (Crowdstrike)
As that great social scientist Ronald White says, "You can't fix stupid. Stupid is foweveah!"

One business unit I support gets irritated with me as I'll take an extra day (or three) to ensure the latest version of the software works as expected and doesn't break anything unintentionally. But when I push to Production, it works. I 'spose I'm happier with being hated for being "slow" than for "screwing up production". :p

I always wanted this all across the country. There is too much farm land being taken away. and one can charge your vehicle there also
The bonus with having shaded parking is that the interior of my car is not hotter than the surface of Mercury!
As that great social scientist Ronald White says, "You can't fix stupid. Stupid is foweveah!"

One business unit I support gets irritated with me as I'll take an extra day (or three) to ensure the latest version of the software works as expected and doesn't break anything unintentionally. But when I push to Production, it works. I 'spose I'm happier with being hated for being "slow" than for "screwing up production". :p

The bonus with having shaded parking is that the interior of my car is not hotter than the surface of Mercury!
I always wanted this all across the country. There is too much farm land being taken away. and one can charge your vehicle there also

I always find it interesting how people bitch about farmland being taken away for solar .... but they never say a peep when it is taken away for houses ... and the latter outstrips the former by thousands of acres a year.
This could be the future for all those wets who complain about Solar Farms spoiling the countryside!

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The local high school has a similar setup over one of their parking lots. Looks decent and keeps you car a lot cooler than sitting in the sun.