Don't get between a sow and her piglets else you become the next meal.

You remind me: My cousins moved to Missuori where my aunt and uncle had bought a farm. We went there to visit. The barn had a wooden corral outside it, where the planks were just an inch apart. You had to look through them to see inside. That was where the sow was and she had had a litter. So, after supper, my aunt handed a bucket with all the leftovers to my cousin Ted.
We all went out to the corral, and Ted was gonna show us how he was real country now and could feed the sow. He jumped up (the corral fence was maybe 6 feet tall), swung his leg over the top, and my cousin Jerry handed him the bucket. Ted disappeared.
The next thing I knew, there was a horrible snorting sound inside the corral and I saw the bucket come above the top of the corral, flying straight up in the air, turning end over end with slop puking out of it! No sooner had I seen that when Ted came bolting over the top of the fence and dropped to the ground, rolling away. Then ... BOOM! The entire fence shuddered as the sow hit it.
Both Ted and Jerry are dead now. But they live on in my mind through memories like that. Don't mess with a mama sow, even if you have her dinner.