Did you catch this one, Mike? My hero!
Using a cow from a herd in Dumfries in Scotland, scientists have created a calf from 10 genetically altered eggs taken from the cow. They say it could be the beginnings of a breed to help save the planet. A new breed of cow that produce less methane and farts less!
It was likely easier to fix the feed :Using a cow from a herd in Dumfries in Scotland, scientists have created a calf from 10 genetically altered eggs taken from the cow. They say it could be the beginnings of a breed to help save the planet. A new breed of cow that produce less methane and farts less!
And we have no idea how that will affect the nutrition and healthiness of the milk. Especially in biology, everything has side effects. You can't change one thing, and expect everything else to stay the same.Using a cow from a herd in Dumfries in Scotland, scientists have created a calf from 10 genetically altered eggs taken from the cow. They say it could be the beginnings of a breed to help save the planet. A new breed of cow that produce less methane and farts less!