I know. Fan of all three. But the bus driver caption was hilariousPicture Day for Bus Drivers is funny.
I recognized Willie Nelson right away, then Neil Young, but could not identify John 'no longer call me Cougar' Mellencamp till I did some internet sleuthing.
Taken from Farm Aid IV in Indianapolis April 1990. Those 3 were the prime forces behind the very first Farm Aid (Sept. 1985) which sort of grew from comments made by Bob Dylan at the Live Aid benefit in July 1985: View attachment 83008
Back then I could get new jeans for about $20, so $60 bucks for a worn out pair that was only good for painting or working on the car was a deal I couldn't pass up!
I mowed the lawn today, and after doing so I sat down and had a cold beer. The day was really quite beautiful, and the drink facilitated some deep thinking.
I pondered an age old again question: "Is giving birth more painful than getting kicked in the nuts?" Women always maintain that giving birth is way more painful than a guy getting kicked in the nuts, but how could they know?
Well, after another beer, and some more heavy deductive thinking, I have come up with an answer to that question. Getting kicked in the nuts is more painful than having a baby, and even though I obviously couldn't really know, here is my reasoning. A year or so after giving birth, a woman will often say, "It might be nice to have another child." On the other hand, you never hear a guy say, "You know, I think I would like another kick in the nuts again."
And that side pocket on the right leg is the perfect size for my phone.The jeans I use for farm work are Rural King store brand carpenter jeans. Bought them on sale for $7.99 a pair, nice and dark indigo when new. They wear like iron.
<<<---- This pic is me at Rural King, lol.