No longer a newbie, but still clueless.
Thanks Mike. That's very similar to the one we are strongly considering.
And it won't be just a simple broken gear. It'll be the "MOTHERBOARD"!!! Nothing that $300 or $400 can't fix.
Thanks Mike. That's very similar to the one we are strongly considering.
I bought a fancy washer and dryer stacking set that sang songs and all that. They were HE and front-loading and they always stunk even though we used the cleaner you're supposed to use. We ended up selling them with the house when we moved to the 'burbs and into a rancher and we bought the cheapest non-fancy set that we could get and so far no problems; I only wanted one that made a noise when the cycle is complete since they're in the basement.My father has the fridge from when I was a child down in his basement. That refrigerator is at least 65 years old, probably more. My wife and I bought a fancy new washer and dryer a few years ago, the washer crapped our at about 3 year mark. We had a repair man come. I asked him what I should buy, he said buy the cheap one, I never work on them, they don't have fancy settings and electronics, they just work. So we have a washing machine with about 6 settings on a manual know and a dryer to match. We are on about 6 years old for those two now.
Thanks Mike. That's very similar to the one we are strongly considering.
Meanwhile, I bought a lil chest freezer to hold our food (plus the kitchen fridge freezer and the one in the fridge in the shop). That is now my lager cooler, lol. SNEAKY, eh?
I just verified these terms with my wife and she says that these are indeed accurate.
Had that with our 10-y-o upright freezer. Ahem, Covid - unobtainable! Could be months, they said. Called all over the country, too. Tried to buy a whole new freezer - unobtainable! I finally found a control board NIB on eBay and bought it. $140. But it arrived a few days later and in 20 minutes we were going again. Meanwhile, I bought a lil chest freezer to hold our food (plus the kitchen fridge freezer and the one in the fridge in the shop). That is now my lager cooler, lol. SNEAKY, eh?
We love ours.
The washer has an Inverter "Direct Drive" motor with a 10 year warranty. Our kids out in LA burned through not one but two Maytag HE washers in 4 years (with two small kids) and they are now using a similar LG washer. Both times the motor/drive system failed on the Maytags.
Pulled the trigger on a pair of LG's. We had picked out what we wanted and were ready to go to Best Buy to order, when I decided to check Costco to see if they carry them. Sure enough, they do, and we saved hundreds. While there, decided to upgrade our membership when I noticed something I've never seen before in the return line. A woman successfully (are there any unsuccessful returns at Costco?) returned one full and one half empty bottle of Kirkland Barolo.
OK, back to your regularly scheduled memes...
Nope. 6 glasses.