Reminds me of an oldie but goodie...
The Sunday School teacher asks the class, "After we die, what part of the body do you think goes to heaven first?"
Lil Johnny's hand shoots up, but she's leery of calling on him due to past experience.
"Little Suzy, what do you think?"
"Your head goes first as you rise to heaven," Suzy says.
"That's sounds really good, Suzy." Teacher looks around and Lil Johnny is waving his hand and going "Oh! Oh! Oh!" But teacher calls on Becky instead.
"I think your hands go first, as they are held together in prayer."
"How lovely, Becky," the teacher says, and Lil Johnny is squirming in his desk and yelling, "I know! I know! I know!"
"OK, Lil Johnny,' teacher says with trepidation. "Which part do you think goes first?"
"Your FEET go first!"
"Your feet?" the teacher says. "How can that be?"
"Well, when I went past Mommy and Daddy's bedroom last night, her feet were sticking straight up in the air and she was yelling, 'Oh Lord, I'm coming! I'm coming!'
"She'd of went too, but Daddy was holding her down!"
The teacher fainted.