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The NFL went behind a paywall in 2006 when MNF moved from ABC to ESPN!

I used to be a big NFL fan. I basically lost interest in actually following it in 2008. I am like @Boatboy24 now, not their target audience. If I click on an interesting game by chance, I might watch it. But I no longer "follow" my favorite teams. And to think, I used to be a sports writer. But this is all part of the general media fracturing process that has been going on since 1999. Because the NFL's younger fans never lived in a period where they did not have to pay for TV, they'll accept it. Enjoy.

Jim @Boatboy24, as part of my continuing effort to steal your posts for FB, I posted this and got the following reply from a female friend:

No woman ever smiles about a speedy weeny, Jim.