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Sorry to disappoint you, but it's Nights in White Satin

The band we hired for our wedding celebration was hired simply because they played this song so well. We went to a practice and this was the first song they played. We were sold on the spot.

The band we hired for our wedding celebration was hired simply because they played this song so well. We went to a practice and this was the first song they played. We were sold on the spot.

The band we hired for our wedding celebration was hired simply because they played this song so well. We went to a practice and this was the first song they played. We were sold on the spot.

I am curious, why the picture of von Richthofen?
"Historically, the claim of consensus
has been the first refuge of scoundrels;

Gravity would like a word! As would “cigarettes cause cancer “.

Just saying that free thinkers like to make the jump from “a scientific consensus was proven wrong” to “all scientific consensus is garbage”. That’s not how it works.