It has been so warm in Texas we started the 2017 garden!!! We put in 4 different kinds of lettuce and 2 spinach along with yellow and white onions. Next will be preparing the other 2 beds for tomatoes and peppers along with whatever else we might plant.
Hope y'all will be getting in those gardens soon.
I've done this before with personal photographs. Best filter I used was a similar snow scene in front of our sugarhouse using the drawing filter. It turned it into a colored pencil drawing. Very cool effect.
Today: 29 degrees and 12 to 14 inches of snow expected. We have been shoveling our small driveway every 90 minutes or so (much easier this way). This is the wife shoveling. This accumulated over 30 minutes. it is really coming down now!
I am just giving it time to settle down a bit, but just told my wife that we need to start cleaning now and then finish later, otherwise it is going to be a lot.
Thank God the wife is off today so she can cook, kids off school and I'm working from home....
I have a lot of cleaning to do, not only my driveway, but a sidewalk that goes from the driveway all the way around the house to the deck, then the deck (med to big side) and the front steps......
We lucked out, only about 4 inches of really heavy wet stuff. Wind is now howling and it's down to 25*F. Kids will probably have a delay tomorrow (my favorite, not) from everything refreezing tonight.