Confused John, what is grade, is it the normal pond water level? I know you're in Louisiana so it could be sea level. Does the pond not have a spillway. Otherwise you make the barn a boathouse.
Confused John, what is grade, is it the normal pond water level? I know you're in Louisiana so it could be sea level. Does the pond not have a spillway. Otherwise you make the barn a boathouse.
First pic: View from the road of the barn in the foreground, and camps in the background. Barn is 6’ above grade, and camp pad is 10’ above grade. Today the road has 7’ of water on it.
Second: View from back of the lake, before it had water in it, looking at the new camps.
Third and Fourth: Back of the barn two weeks ago, we went by boat to move equipment to the higher pad. Water’s a foot higher today.
Fifth: from the north side of the camps, can’t even see where the pond levees are.
I hope all that isn't a tiny detail the previous owners neglected to inform you of and that this doesn't come as a complete surprise to you. Isn't 55% of Mississippi and Louisiana very near to sea level or below??
I hope all that isn't a tiny detail the previous owners neglected to inform you of and that this doesn't come as a complete surprise to you. Isn't 55% of Mississippi and Louisiana very near to sea level or below??
So I guess the big question is this the beginning of something worse to come in a week or two?
And didn't you stock the tank recently or was that yet to come? Hope you didn't lose all your fish as well.
Ay-yi-yi. Sorry about that, John. Hope it is waning!
Your prom pic?![]()
My weekly Lab retiree get together. We toast all you guys still slogging to work 5 days a week and thank you for your dedication to keeping the GDP up!
Search ResultsThat was an unexpectedly (no offense!) clever, biting, trenchant response!
We took a quick run over to Prescott this morning, picked up some stuff we couldn't get in town, and had lunch at a really cool spot our friends picked out. It was called Plaza Liquor and Deli, food was good, craft beer was good but the wine, beer, liquor and cigar selections were pretty incredible. Just about anything you want from a $6.00 bottle of wine to a $4,999.00 bottle of scotch. We came home over Mingus mountain and took this picture of our valley from the town of Jerome. The beginning edge of our town is in the very bottom right hand corner. Sedona is tucked somewhere along that band of red rocks.